


Currency &Consumption

■New Taiwan Dollar Notes (NT$)
 ‧Paper Currency: NT$1,000, NT$500 and NT$100 are commonly used
  NT$2,000 and NT$200 are not commonly used
 ‧Coins: NT$50, NT$10, NT$5, and NT$1 are commonly used
  NT$20 is not commonly used

■Changing Money
 Foreign currencies can be exchanged at government-designated banks, hotels, and department stores,
 etc. Receipts are given when currency is exchanged, and must be presented in order to exchange
 unused NT dollars before departure. Also, passports and entry permits shall be presented when
 exchange unused NT dollars.

■Claim Your Refund
 Foreign travelers, who make purchases of at least NT $3,000 on the same day from the same Tax
 Refund Shopping (TRS)-posted store, are eligible for a refund of the 5% VAT paid on those
 purchased goods. To claim the refund, they must apply at the port of their departure from the R.O.C.
 within 30 days following the date of purchase, and they must take the purchased goods out of the
 country with them. Travelers shall ask TRS-labeled store owners to issue"Application Form for VAT
 Refund," and claim refund at the "Foreign Passenger VAT Refund Service Counter" at the airport or
 seaport of departure upon departure.
■Uniform Invoice
 No additional VAT is required since excise tax is included in price. Consumers will receive uniform
 invoice after make purchase. If the store issues no invoice, make sure to ask store owners to issue
 receipt in case of refunding. In addition, tipping is customary charge 10% in hotel or restaurant.

■Credit Cards
 Major credit cards such as American Express, Master Card, Visa, and Diners Club are accepted and
 traveler's checks may be cashed at foreign-exchange banks, some tourist-oriented businesses, and (by
 room guests) most international tourist hotels. Also, travelers can withdraw New Taiwan Dollars from

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