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Tainan Good Rice Dumpling for Dragon Boat Festival 2021/06/03
Tainan Hostel supports the medical staff to promote the anti-epidemic preferential accommodation program. The best medical staff can enjoy free nights on weekdays! The minimum price of a double room is 800 yuan! 2021/06/02
Tainan City Government Tourism and Tourism Bureau relief line: 0800-567899 (free of charge), (06)635-0067 2021/06/02
Information on business changes in Tainan's scenic spots/scenics in response to the epidemic 2021/06/02
Tainan City puts an end to epidemic prevention breaches, strictly investigates underground pornographic media in the hotel industry to prevent invisible transmission and prevention breaches 2021/06/02
Tainan City Government Tourism and Tourism Bureau relief line (06)635-0067 2021/06/01
Tainan Hostel supports the medical staff to promote the anti-epidemic preferential accommodation program. The best medical staff can enjoy free nights on weekdays! The minimum price of a double room is 800 yuan! 2021/06/01
Announcement on the current changes in activities in Tainan City in response to the rising epidemic 2021/06/01
Tainan Good Rice Dumplings for Dragon Boat Festival 2021/05/31
Tainan City Government Tourism and Tourism Bureau relief line (06)635-0067 2021/05/28